Psychiatric Hospital ( Mental Health Hospital)
Phone No:
9964959999 / 9972349999
Online Consultancy:
Dr.Simpi Linganna Road , Near Dr.K.G.Kulkarni Hoapital, Koppal 583231 KARNATAKA
* Epilepsy
* Headache [ Migraine, Vascular, Tension]
* Movement Disorders [ Parkinson's disease]
* Memory Problems [Alzheimer's, dementia]
* Diabetic Neuropathy
* Neuropathic Pain
* Sleep Problems
* Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [ADHD] Autism
* Scholastic Backwardness
* Learning Disability [Dyslexia]
* Mental Retardation
* Marital and couple therapy
* Cognitive Behavioural therapy [CBT]
* Behavioural Therapy
* Motivation Enhancement therapy
* Stress Management
* De-addiction (Alcohol,Tobacco,Ganja)
* Depression, Mania , Bipolar Disorder
* Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
* Anxiety and Phobia
* Schizophrenia
* Sexual Dysfunction
* Personality Disorders
* Menopausal problems
* Chronic pain syndrome
* Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMS)
* Postpartum Blues, Depression, Psychosis
* Elecreoencephalography (EEG) Lab
* Brain mapping
* Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (TDCS)
* Telepsychiatry Services
* Life Skills Training
1 pm to 3 pm & 4:30 pm to 10 pm
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